Thanks for visiting my website!
Let’s kick off by introducing myself as your friendly neighborhood designer waiting to save the day from Mr. Clutter and Dr. Ugly Site.
I shamely recon it has taken too long to get an updated version of this website, but finally here it is… Tah-daaah, version 2023 is alive!
During the next few weeks this site will evolve like a cheetah on speed with updated projects and other insane stuff to show your momma!
We highly recommend that you check it out on a regular basis!
My name is Mario Eckert and I am a Freelance Designer, Art Director & eBook Designer at Crius Group.
At night I drink coffee, make things look pretty and try not to be recognized as a Typographic superhero.
At day I drink chocolate milkshake, watch Mac Gyver and dream of endless fame and glory.